
We are

Commonwealth of initiatives for the integral development of the territory of Vandellòs and L'Hospitalet de l'Infant, Tivissa and Pratdip.

In 1995, the municipalities of Tivissa, Pratdip and Vandellòs  i  l’Hospitalet de l'Infant created the MIDIT (Commonwealth of Initiatives for Integral Development of the Territory). Its founding objectives are: The implementation and support of initiatives that will impact on the integrated development of the territory in the industrial, tourist, agricultural, forestry and social sectors.

The MIDIT is a public body of a supralocal nature and its governing body is the Plenary. This is made up of three councillors from each of the municipalities that are part of it and the Secretariat, it is constituted every four years. It implements several man-made projects (Domitory Care Service, Industrial Ship, ...) and has drawn up the MIDIT 2020 STRATEGIC plan. A prior diagnosis was made of this Plan and four work tables were formed based on the strategic axes that had emerged from the diagnostic phase: tourism, energy, the agri-food sector and public-private collaboration and work was done studying different strategic projects across the territory. The Technical Team supports the plenary in the development of the guidelines that they mark.


MIDIT, together with the areas of economic promotion and tourism of the three municipalities that make up it as well as private actors in the territory, has initiated the implementation of the Strategic Plan, which is a roadmap for our territory in the next decade and with the participation of many people, has defined what we are and what we want to be.

In 2014, MIDIT has made a review of the MIDIT 2020 STRATEGIC plan, in order to be able to assess the implementation of this. Make a stop on the way and assess and reflect on what progress has been made, how it has been achieved, where and how progress should be made.